




Section I. Classification

A. Active Member. A person who is a dentist licensed in the state of North Carolina and resides in Wake County or whose professional residence is in Wake County may be elected to Active Membership.

B. Associate Member. A person who holds a professional dental degree from an American dental school may be elected to Associate Membership.

C. Life Member. Practitioners who have reached age 65 and who have been members of the Raleigh-Wake County Dental Society for the previous 10 consecutive years and upon application to the Treasurer may pay 50% of the active member dues. Life Members approved prior to 11-18-14 will be grandfathered in and remain exempt from dues payment.

D. Disabled Active Member. A member in good standing who has incurred or developed a physical condition that renders the person incapable of performing clinical dentistry for an extended period of time or permanently. Application must be made in writing to the Executive Board including a medical certificate attesting to the disability. Disabled Active Members are exempt from dues payment but are able to hold an elected office.

E. Inactive Member. Those members who, because of temporary change in residence or for other valid reasons as determined by the Executive Board, desire to retain their identity with the Society on a non-attendance, non-dues-paying basis.

F. Honorary Member. A person who has made significant contributions to the art and science of dentistry or those who, in the opinion of the Executive Board, have rendered services to the Society justifying this honor.

Section II. Application for Membership

A. Application for membership (Active or Associate classification) is made in writing by filling out the RWCDS Membership Information and Dues Statement form and accompanied by payment in the amount of a year?s dues or in the amount of pro-rated dues based on the date of application. The completed form and payment is to be directed to the Executive Director or Administrative Assistant, or Treasurer.

B. Application for Inactive or Disabled Active classification must be made in writing to the Executive Board giving reasons for seeking Inactive or Disabled Active status. In addition, to be granted Disabled Active status a medical certificate attesting to the condition must be included. Granting of said membership is subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Re-establishment of Active Membership can be accomplished by payment of dues to the Executive Director or Administrative Assistant, or Treasurer.

Section III. Privileges of Membership

An Active, Life or Disabled Active Member shall have all the privileges of this Society. Associate Members shall have all privileges of the Society except holding office. Inactive Members shall not have any privileges of the Society. Privileges and duties of Honorary Members shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section I.

The annual dues of this Society are due January 1st for the ensuing calendar year and considered late if not paid by February 1st and shall be set annually upon recommendation of the Executive Board subject to a majority vote at any regular meeting.

Section II.

In addition to annual dues, an assessment may be voted by the Executive Board subject to the approval by the membership by a majority vote at any regular meeting.

Section I.

In general, the Society shall hold eight meetings a year wherein a scientific, clinical dental technique, health care related, practice management or dental political relations program is the main order of business and as many social and business meetings as are needed or desired as determined by the Executive Board.

Section II.Quorum.

Twenty-five percent of the Active, Associate, Life, and Disabled Active Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or called meetings.

Section I. President.

The President shall:

A. Preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board and shall exercise general supervision of the same.

B. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

C. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for; and,

D. Perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office and such duties as may be required of him by the Executive Board.

E. The term of office will be one year.

Section II. President-Elect.

The President-Elect Shall:

A. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

B. Assist the President in the performance of duties.

C. Succeed to the office of President following the annual election; and

D. Occupy the chair in the absence of the President.

Section III. Treasurer.

The Treasurer Shall:

A. Collect and receive all money due the Society.*

B. Pay all bills of the Society.*

C. Be the custodian of all Society funds.*

D. Keep accurate accounts of all financial transactions.*

E. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

F. Perform additional duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

G. Serve with the incoming Treasurer to prepare the projected budget with input from Committee chairs.*

* With Executive Board approval the Treasurer can delegate any of these duties to the Executive Director or Administrative Assistant.

Section IV. Secretary.

The Secretary Shall:

A. Keep all records of the Society and Executive Board.*

B. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

C. Attend to Society correspondence.*

D. Oversee providing notice of meetings to the membership.

E. Perform additional duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

* With Executive Board approval the Secretary can delegate any of these duties to the Executive Director or Administrative Assistant.

Section V. Editor.

The Editor Shall:

A. Publish a newsletter announcing to members the time and place of each meeting. The newsletter is to be mailed and/or emailed to the Society members. In addition, the newsletter is to be posted on the Society’s website.

B. Publish the annual Members Directory of the Society. *

C. Assist the Webmaster in maintaining the Society’s website with up to date information and postings.

D. Act as the Society Historian.*

E. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

F. Perform additional duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

* With Executive Board approval the Editor can delegate any of these duties to the Executive Director or Administrative Assistant.

Section VI. Webmaster.

The Webmaster Shall:

A. Maintain the operation of the Society’s website and update the content and postings in a timely manner.

B. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.

Section I. Constituency.

The Executive Board shall be composed of the following:

A. The officers of this Society, who shall serve as officers of the Executive Board;

B. The Immediate Past President; and

C. Two members elected by the Society.

Section II. Meetings.

The Executive Board shall meet prior to each regularly scheduled business meeting and other times as often as necessary to conduct the business of the Society.

Section III. Quorum.

Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section IV. Duties And Authority.

The Executive Board shall transact all business of the society that does not have to be conducted at a regular business meeting of the Society; and

A. Shall pass on all new members;

B. Shall receive and consider reports and recommendation from the various Standing Committees;

C. Shall at no time recommend or approve of more than ninety percent of the income, plus reserve, for the current year, unless the Society votes by three-fourths majority to do so;

D. Shall make periodic reports to the Society;

E.  Shall determine pro-rated dues for new members and others except those dropped from roll because of delinquent dues, in which case a full years dues are required; and

F. Shall publicize, through the various news media, the functions and programs of the Society.

Committees may be formed at the discretion of the Executive Board consisting, but not limited to, the following:

Section I. Program Committee

A. Constituency. The Program Committee shall consist of a chairperson and up to three members appointed by the President each to serve a one year term.

B. Duties. It shall be the function of this Committee to provide for and arrange scientific and social programs during the year.

Section II. Audit Committee

A. Constituency. The Audit Committee shall consist of up to two members appointed by the President to serve one year terms.

B. Duties. It shall be the function of this Committee to establish that money collected and expended by the Treasurer, Executive Director or Administrative Assistant, balance as indicated by the checkbook and invoice statements and to insure that reasonable accounting practices are being followed.

Section III. Dental Health And Education Committee

A. Constituency. The Dental Health and Education Committee shall consist of a chairperson and up to three members appointed by the President to serve one year terms.

B. Duties. The purpose of this Committee shall be to formulate and execute plans for public education in dental health. This Committee will also act as an advisory committee to public dental programs upon request and will be responsible for informing the Society of  the status of public dental programs that significantly affect the profession of Dentistry.

Section IV. Membership Committee

A. Constituency. The Membership Committee shall be composed of up to three members appointed by the President.

B. Duties. It will be the function of the Committee to identify potential new members of this society and recommend them to the Executive Board for approval. This Committee will also see that all new members are oriented to the Society.

Section V. Nominating Committee

A. Constituency. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of up to three members appointed by the President.

B. Duties. It shall be the function of this Committee to place in nomination a candidate for each elective office of the Society at the appropriate time for election of officers.

Section VI. Manpower Committee

A. Constituency. The Manpower Committee shall be composed of up to three members appointed by the President, the Society’s liaisons to the Dental Auxiliaries and Wake Technical Community College (WTCC) and representatives from the local Dental Hygiene Society and Dental Assistant degree program, and the UNC School of Dentistry. The Committee chair will be appointed by the President.

B. Duties. The Purpose of this Committee is to address the dental manpower issues in the Wake County area. Activities include but are not limited to Dental Career Days, maintenance of the Dental Careers notebook, communications with the local schools and colleges, as well as coordinating with similar efforts occurring statewide through the North Carolina Dental Society and the American Dental Association. This Committee makes a recommendation to the Executive Board on Society-supported scholarships and academic awards to the WTCC Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant Programs.

Section VII. Community Action Committee.

A. Constituency. The Community Action Committee shall consist of at least two members appointed by the President representing each of the current community programs supported by the Society.

B. Duties. The liaisons to community programs are charged with representing the Society in matters pertaining to the development, management, and ongoing support of the community programs. It is the responsibility of the liaison to keep the Executive Board informed about the community programs and recommend Society action as necessary.

Officers. The following shall be the procedure for the nomination and election of officers.

A. Nomination. Nominations of officers and Members-at-Large shall be made by the Nominating Committee or, in the absence of a Nominating Committee, the Executive Board. The report will be made to the members at the regular October General Meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

B. Election. A simple majority vote of the Active, Associate, Life and Disabled Active members assembled will be required for the election of all officers. The vote will be taken by secret ballot for any office that there is more than one candidate. Elections will be held during the regular November General meeting.

The Society shall be governed in all matters not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws by Robert’s Rules, Revised Edition.

The By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths majority vote of the total active membership at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment(s) has been made in writing and read to the Society at any regular meeting; and, that the Secretary has notified the membership and presented copies to the same of the proposed amendment(s) by mail, email, fax and/or web posting at least two weeks prior to the time the vote is taken.

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